Seeds For Change – Local Plant Fact Sheets

More than 90 local plant fact sheets have been created for the metro Adelaide area as part of the Seeds for Change project.
Find a local native plant to suit your purpose!
Seeds for Change fact sheets are a ‘one stop shop’ describing our native plant species’ form, colour, ecological function, as well as propagation and planting seasons.
Together let grow more of our endemic species in verges, gardens and parks to provide habitat for local fauna.

Scroll down for the full plant list and links all the fact sheets! Free to download, use and share.
Here’s an example – but there’s 90+ more.

Seeds for Change History
Seeds for Change was funded by Green Adelaide and is an initiative of the Junction Community Centre (Ottoway) and supported by the Australian Association for Environmental Education SA Chapter to share skills with residents to affordably reduce heat on their streets and homes while increasing local biodiversity and growing community connections. The project team thanks all those who have supported this community learning and sharing initiative.
Approx 2,500 plants were propagated and shared by the Seeds for Change project.
Seeds for Change reached out to Ottoway residents, schools, faith communities, businesses and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to participate in a series of free propagation and planting events. Endemic (local), drought tolerant species were planted in residents gardens, verges and parklands.
All plantings were accompanied by Seeds for Change signage with a QR code to these fact sheets also found on the Seeds for Change Facebook page.

Below are fact sheets for plants by category – click to view, download or print.