Professional development for pre-school, primary and secondary school educators and pre-service teachers
You are invited to a Professional Educational Session for teachers & educators and their families hosted by the Australian Association for Environmental Education SA Chapter (AAEESA) on Tuesday 11th October 9am-12pm.
Location: Morialta Conservation Park, Morialta Falls Road, Woodforde, SA 5072
Join nature photographer and birdwatcher Bruce Baker to explore the morning birdlife of Morialta Conservation Park.
Bring along the whole family for some school holiday fun! AAEE SA Members and families free (just get a ticket for every person).
Non-members welcome $10 adult; $5 child
Bird photos: Bruce Baker
This PL links to AITSL standards: 2.1, 3.4, 6.2, 6.3, 7.4
~3 hour Professional Development Certificate provided~
ACARA Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priority
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