Bringing Back the Butterflies
Bringing Back the Butterflies (BBB) is a project of the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) South Australian Chapter and is an exciting and amazing project linking communities in South Australia. BBB is a community driven Education for Sustainability (EfS) initiative to recreate native habitat for Adelaide’s butterflies and other pollinators. BBB is a doorway to wider EfS concepts and shows how together we can reduce our impact on our beautiful planet.
Over 40 butterflies native to the Kaurna (Adelaide) plains and hills have lost their habitat through vegetation clearing. We need your help to bring them back! BBB is for everyone, it supports the creation of native butterfly attracting habitat in the front gardens and verges, schools, community centres, etc. Each BBB site is accompanied with interpretive signage describing local host plants and butterflies. This signage also invites others to grow BBB gardens and thus expand the BBB networks.
Urban ‘nature walks’ that map BBB gardens will be posted on our website. Community members can get out and about to observe the progress of the plants, the return of the butterflies and the growing beauty of their surroundings.
BBB aims to:
- re-establish urban butterfly habitats
- be a catalyst for more neighbourly interactions
- create a network of different plots to form interesting and educative urban nature trails
- make our streetscapes more welcoming
- spark conversations about biodiversity
- build teams of people willing to help spread the project across South Australia
- provide an opportunity for everyone to become ‘citizen scientists’ and get active around sustainability
Visit our facebook page to find out how to be involved