About Us
AAEE-SA Chapter has been working with non-government and government organisations for more than 40 years. AAEE-SA Chapter commenced at Arbury Park Outdoor School in 1980 with a national network of associations being developed since then. State and Territory associations have been developed by committed educators and community-minded people. AAEE-SA Chapter involves a broad cross-section of environmental educators with a vision of promoting and developing an understanding of the environment, positive values and a commitment to Education for Sustainability.
AAEE-SA Chapter offers members opportunities to participate in workshops, mini conferences and online forums that showcase environmental education and Education for Sustainability.
Our executive committee meets regularly. Members and interested participants are always welcome. Please contact us at

AAEESA Committee
Convenor | Deidre Knight |
Treasurer | Amy Blaylock |
State Liaison to AAEE | Debbie Loke |
Secretary (minutes) | Bernadette Haggerty |
Secretary (web) | Bruce Baker |
Educators SA Representative* | Bruce Baker |
Public Officer | Jo Hendrikx |
Ordinary Committee Members | David Doherty |
Stephen Fuller | |
Debra Dickinson | |
Jo Hendrikx | |
David Larritt | |
Bruce Baker |

What the SA Chapter Does
Stalls are run annually for special events, e.g. World Environment Day and promoting Bringing Back the Butterflies, whilst professional development sessions are conducted for educators and community members. A variety of sessions are offered to cater for the needs and interests of participants. Sessions showcasing best practice of schools and community centres in South Australia are also conducted.

Executive and subcommittee meetings are held regularly. All members and interested participants are always welcome. Planning for yearly events and workshops are common agenda items. An AGM is held towards the end of each year. Meeting dates are published on the website.

Evening workshops are offered throughout the year with guest speakers presenting in the field of Education for Sustainability (EfS) and Environmental Education. Members also have the opportunity to share their experiences as well as developing practical hands-on skills and activities.